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Found 8 results for "Sofia Rente, Diana Oliveira"
Português a Valer 2 - Pack (Livro do Aluno + Caderno de Exercícios com Testes) Ana Tavares | Sofia Rente
Aimed for adult and young learners of differente nationalities, the new PFL teaching method, successor of Português XXI, is a reliable, modern and motivational teaching-learning tool!
(Livro Interativo) Português a Valer 1 - Pack (Acesso por 14 meses) Ana Tavares | Sofia Rente
Português a Valer, for adult and young learners, is Lidel`s new PFL teaching method. Succeding Portugués XXI, it´s a reliable, modern and motivational teaching and learning tool!
€ 34,95
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Português a Valer 1 - Livro do Professor Ana Tavares | Sofia Rente
Aimed for adult and young learners of differente nationalities, the new PFL teaching method, successor of Português XXI, is a reliable, modern and motivational teaching-learning tool!
Promotion - Immediate discount
€ 21,50 € 17,20
Português a Valer 1 - Caderno de Exercícios com Testes Ana Tavares | Sofia Rente
Aimed for adult and young learners of differente nationalities, the new PFL teaching method, successor of Português XXI, is a reliable, modern and motivational teaching-learning tool!
Promotion - Immediate discount
€ 12,20 € 9,76
Português a Valer 1 - Livro do Aluno Ana Tavares | Sofia Rente
Aimed for adult and young learners of differente nationalities, the new PFL teaching method, successor of Português XXI, is a reliable, modern and motivational teaching-learning tool!
Promotion - Immediate discount
€ 27,75 € 22,20
Português a Valer 1 - Pack (Livro do Aluno + Caderno de Exercícios com Testes) Ana Tavares | Sofia Rente
Aimed for adult and young learners of differente nationalities, the new PFL teaching method, successor of Português XXI, is a reliable, modern and motivational teaching-learning tool!
Promotion - Immediate discount
€ 35,96 € 28,77
Verbos no Passado - 100 Exercícios - Livro Segundo o Novo Acordo Ortográfico Sofia Rente | Diana Oliveira
Verbs in the Past Tense - 100 Exercises is an exercise book focused on the past tense, of the indicative mode.
Promotion - Immediate discount
€ 13,70 € 10,96
Expressões Idiomáticas Ilustradas - Livro segundo o Novo Acordo Ortográfico Sofia Rente
This book presents a wide range of idiomatic expressions, arranged alphabetically to allow them to be looked up quickly, with examples enabling the user to see how they are used in real contexts...
Promotion - Immediate discount
€ 20,50 € 14,35

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LIDEL – Edições Técnicas, Lda. – Rua D. Estefânia, 183, R/c Dto. – 1049-057 Lisboa – Portugal