We present our new method for teaching Portuguese as a Foreign Language to adult and young learners - Português a Valer!
As the successor to our bestseller Português XXI, Português a Valer is dedicated to all those who for over twenty years have relied on this same method to learn and teach Portuguese throughout the world.
Supported by LIDEL`s more than 30 years of experience in developing materials for teaching PFL and based upon the wide experience of our authors, Ana Tavares, author of Português XXI, and Sofia Rente, author of Verbos no Passado and Expressões Idiomáticas Ilustradas, we are proud to present the method that is modern and up-to-date, while maintaining the solid foundations of its predecessor.
With an appealing layout, clear content, varied exercises, original and enlightening audios, and videos, we have prepared everything so that everyone feels motivated in the process of teaching and learning the increasingly valued Portuguese language, respecting plurality, and embracing heterogeneity.
Português a Valer 2 is the second volume of Lidel`s new method for teaching Portuguese, for levels A1 to B1 of the CEFR, for adult and young learners of Portuguese as a foreign or second language of different nationalities, and can be used in other contexts.
Level A2: + of 100 hours + of 550 exercises and activities + of 100 audios and videos
The Student`s Book includes:
·8 units with current topics, language adapted to the level and balanced work on all skills with a focus on speaking and listening;
·4 revision sections (Ponto da Situação) with more exercises for the students to check their progress, with the solutions at the end of the manual;
·4 sections related to the professional context (O Mundo do Trabalho) to provide the student with basic knowledge in this area;
·4 sections on Portuguese-speaking countries in the world (O Mundo do Português) for cultural broadening;
·Audiovisual materials (audios and videos) original and varied, professionally produced, with the aim of innovating the range of learning tools made available to learners.
The Workbook includes:
·Activities to practice each of the units of the student book, with solutions;
·Worksheets organized by content for all the subjects in the units, with summarized information and exercises, that allow articulated work with the student book, but also an autonomous use;
·Exercises in communicative contexts for oral comprehension;
·8 quick review tests, with exercises to work on several contents simultaneously, with quotations presented for (self) learning and evaluation;
·Final level test with CIPLE exam structure of CAPLE-UL.
The Teacher`s Book includes:
·Guide per unit with the development of all the method`s objectives;
·Complementary activities to be developed in class;
·Solutions for the activities in the Student`s Book;
·Final level test with CIPLE exam structure of CAPLE-UL.
This is your Português a Valer!
Adult and young learners of Portuguese as a Foreign or Second Language of different nationalities.
Ana Tavares
Mestre em Língua e Cultura Portuguesa, na área de especialização em Metodologia do Ensino do Português - Língua Estrangeira/Língua Segunda, e doutorada em Educação e Interculturalidade. Desde 1985, é professora de português como língua estrangeira (PLE), tendo sido coordenadora do Ensino Português no Canadá, entre 2010 e 2018. É também formadora de professores de português língua não materna e autora de vários materiais de ensino e de apoio ao ensino de PLE, incluindo o manual mais vendido de sempre, o Português XXI.
Sofia Rente
Licenciada em Ensino de Português e mestre em Português Língua Não Materna - Língua Estrangeira/Língua Segunda pela Universidade do Minho. Tem exercido, desde então, a sua atividade profissional nesta área, não só no ensino de crianças e adultos, mas também no ramo editorial. É autora de manuais escolares e de outros materiais didáticos de português, incluindo de PLE: Expressões Idiomáticas Ilustradas, Verbos no Passado e Verbos no Conjuntivo (este último em preparação).
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