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Children and Young People`s Reading
To be able to understand that the Portuguese language is a means of communication, of access to knowledge, of social and cultural exchange and of interaction with others, is our great challenge.
Promotion - Immediate discount
€ 27,36 € 16,42
To be able to understand that the Portuguese language is a means of communication, of access to knowledge, of social and cultural exchange and of interaction with others, is our great challenge.
Promotion - Immediate discount
€ 19,89 € 11,93
Inside colourful boxes we find various cards telling us A História da Carochinha, A Arca de Noé and O Macaco e o Crocodilo. In it, text and image help the development of language(s) in a ludic way.
Promotion - Immediate discount
€ 12,20 € 9,76
Inside colourful boxes we find various cards telling us A História da Carochinha, A Arca de Noé and O Macaco e o Crocodilo. In it, text and image help the development of language(s) in a ludic way.
Promotion - Immediate discount
€ 9,95 € 7,96
Inside colourful boxes we find various cards telling us A História da Carochinha, A Arca de Noé and O Macaco e o Crocodilo. In it, text and image help the development of language(s) in a ludic way.
Promotion - Immediate discount
€ 9,22 € 7,38
Projeto didático bilingue (português/tétum) de histórias infantis. Neste primeiro volume, Teki, a personagem principal, vai pela primeira vez à escola e descobre surpresas muito especiais.
Promotion - Immediate discount
€ 6,23 € 4,98
Children`s stories bilingual teaching project (Portuguese/Tetum). In this second volume, Teki discovers that gymnastics is really fun and back at home she wants to get everyone to exercise.
Promotion - Immediate discount
€ 5,72 € 4,58
Projeto didático trilingue (português/tétum/inglês), destinado a crianças, que conta a história da formação de Timor-Leste através da viagem ao passado das duas personagens lendárias de Timor-Leste.
Promotion - Immediate discount
€ 6,35 € 5,08

The discounts, promotions and campaigns are valid for 02-06-2024, unless otherwise informed. Move your cursor over the discount icon to see the price reduction modality. The listed prices include Portuguese VAT.

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LIDEL – Edições Técnicas, Lda. – Rua D. Estefânia, 183, R/c Dto. – 1049-057 Lisboa – Portugal