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Verbs in the Past Tense - 100 Exercises is an exercise book focused on the past tense, of the indicative mode.
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€ 13,70 € 10,96
The main aim is to support and consolidate work carried out in the classroom or in self-learning courses either with books, videotapes or on-line. Almost all the exercises can be attempted without...
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€ 20,95 € 14,67
Vamos lá Começar! (Vocabulary) This second volume is a completely new product in learning Portuguese as a Foreign Language. Hundreds of words and expressions, divided into 6 units and 45 subunits...
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€ 18,50 € 14,80
This book is a guide to help the correct conjugation and pronunciation of Portuguese verbs. It includes a study on the irregularity of the pronunciation of Portuguese verbs, in their European version.
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€ 18,58 € 13,01
Preposições em Ação comprises 34 units, whose main objective is to acquire, study and practice the main prepositions and prepositional phrases of the Portuguese language.
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€ 18,50 € 14,80
O Meu Primeiro Prontuário Ortográfico is intended principally for children of school age (ages 7 to 15), the stage when they learn and consolidate correct ways of expressing themselves in Portuguese.
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€ 15,04 € 9,02
To Portuguese speakers and learners of Portuguese as a foreign language.
Promotion - Immediate discount
€ 15,50 € 10,85
More than 2000 Portuguese Verbs with Prepositions and their meaning.
Promotion - Immediate discount
€ 12,20 € 8,54

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LIDEL – Edições Técnicas, Lda. – Rua D. Estefânia, 183, R/c Dto. – 1049-057 Lisboa – Portugal