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Found 25 results for "Isabel Borges, Teresa Gôja, Martina Tirone"
Timi 2 - Livro do Professor - Livro segundo o Novo Acordo Ortográfico Isabel Borges | Martina Tirone | Teresa Gôja
Timi is a teaching manual for Portuguese, both as a foreign or as a second language, divided into four levels, for children in primary school ages 6 to 10.
Promotion - Immediate discount
€ 42,25 € 33,80
Timi 2 - Livro do Aluno Isabel Borges | Martina Tirone | Teresa Gôja
Timi is a teaching manual for Portuguese, both as a foreign or as a second language, divided into four levels, for children in primary school ages 6 to 10.
Promotion - Immediate discount
€ 24,19 € 19,35
Timi - Livro do Professor + Cartazes + Cartões Isabel Borges | Martina Tirone | Teresa Gôja
Timi is a teaching manual for Portuguese, both as a foreign or as a second language, divided into four levels, for children in primary school ages 6 to 10.
Promotion - Immediate discount
€ 44,45 € 35,56
Timi - Livro do Aluno Isabel Borges | Martina Tirone | Teresa Gôja
Timi is a teaching manual for Portuguese, both as a foreign or as a second language, divided into four levels, for children in primary school ages 6 to 10.
Promotion - Immediate discount
€ 24,19 € 19,35
Timi 3 - Pack - Livro do Aluno + Caderno de Exercícios + CD Áudio - Português Língua Estrangeira / Português Língua Segunda - Livro segundo o Novo Acordo Ortográfico Isabel Borges | Martina Tirone | Teresa Goja
Timi 3 is the fourth volume of a PLE/PL2 course. It is based on oral expression, also giving importance to the development of written expression.
Promotion - Immediate discount
€ 31,85 € 25,48
Timi 3 - Livro do Professor - Livro Segundo o Novo Acordo Ortográfico Isabel Borges | Martina Tirone | Teresa Gôja
Timi 3 is the fourth volume of a PLE/PL2 course. It is based on oral expression, also giving importance to the development of written expression.
Promotion - Immediate discount
€ 41,30 € 33,04
Timi 3 - Caderno de Exercicios - Livro segundo o Novo Acordo Ortográfico Isabel Borges | Martina Tirone | Teresa Gôja
Timi 3 is the fourth volume of a PLE/PL2 course. It is based on oral expression, also giving importance to the development of written expression.
Promotion - Immediate discount
€ 11,19 € 8,95
Timi 3 - Livro do Aluno Isabel Borges | Martina Tirone | Teresa Gôja
Projeto em 4 níveis para o ensino de PLE/PLS para crianças que frequentem o ensino básico. Este nível (9-10 anos) é dirigido a alunos com ou sem conhecimentos prévios de português.
Promotion - Immediate discount
€ 24,19 € 19,35

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LIDEL – Edições Técnicas, Lda. – Rua D. Estefânia, 183, R/c Dto. – 1049-057 Lisboa – Portugal