Dicionário Português-Tétum
Livro segundo o Novo Acordo Ortográfico
Instituto Camões
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€ 17,37
Publication Date: 2015 | ISBN: 978-972-757-956-3 |
Publisher: LIDEL | Fixed Price: No |
Pages: 776 | Format: 10.5x14 cm |
Level: A1 - C2 | Language: Tétum |
Dicionário Português-Tétum grew out of a need on the ground for a school dictionary to supplement the teaching of Portuguese to speakers of Tetun-Prasa at different levels of education. As a result, this dictionary has been designed from a student-centred perspective, with the emphasis on responding to real needs. In the preparation of bilingual dictionaries, the generally accepted practice is to show the entry word together with its counterpart in the target language. In this dictionary however, it was decided for all borrowings from Portuguese to present the definition of the word as if it were a monolingual dictionary, followed by the word as it has been adopted in Tetum. Another principle that has been followed is to ensure that the selection of the entries is as concise as possible, but avoiding single words, focusing instead on word families. However, there are cases where one of the words in the family has a low frequency of occurrence, but is included precisely in order to follow the above principle. With regard to grammatical information, it was decided to opt for minimalist information in order to make it easily usable.
Dirigido a um público heterogéneo, falante de tétum
Instituto Camões - Díli