The manual Hora da História is aimed at children who can read and write (aged 6-10) and are learning Portuguese as a Foreign Language, Non-Native Language, Second Language and Inherited Language. In addition to traditional Portuguese tales and songs that are suitable for the target audience`s skill level, the manual contains authentic texts designed to convey intercultural aspects in an entertaining and stimulating fashion. Each unit is subdivided into sections, and the Student`s book follows the story of two Portuguese cousins and their German friends living in Portugal, narrated in the section `A nossa história` (Our story). The sections `Na tua sala de aula` (In your classroom) and `Nas aulas de Português` (In your Portuguese lessons) focus on grammar and lexical contents, interconnecting the story of the manual and the reality of the classroom setting. After school, our heroes move on to `Em casa da avó` (At grandma`s), a section where the contents from the unit are further developed, basically as if it were homework. The section `Já Sei!` (I know now) consolidates reading, speaking and writing skills step-by-step using explanations as well as vocabulary and grammar exercises for CEFR levels A1 and A2. Finally, there is a cultural section called `Hora da História` (History lesson) that includes tales adapted by Teófilo Braga.
Hora da História relies on a communicative approach keeping in mind the different mind-sets found in the classroom, in order to meet the requirements of classes with a varied background combined with the more playful and integrative aspects of learning Portuguese.
The manual includes: STUDENT`S BOOK with audio CD (texts, dialogues, songs, adapted Portuguese folk tales, exercises, elaborate artwork, among others), WORKBOOK and TEACHER`S BOOK (scripts for each unit, additional resources such as 212 cards and 9 posters, maps, vocabulary and grammar tests, games, etc.).
The manual Hora da História is aimed at children who can read and write (aged 6-10) and are learning Portuguese as a Foreign Language, Non-Native Language, Second Language and Inherited Language.
Susana Leite
Professora licenciada pela Faculdade de Letras da Universidade do Porto em Línguas e Literaturas Modernas, variante de Estudos Ingleses e Alemães. Mestrado em Relações Interculturais, pela Universidade Aberta, Portugal. Leitora do Camões na Universidade de Leipzig e professora em várias escolas na Alemanha, Portugal, Áustria, Reino Unido e Espanha. Projetos interativos na Apple Online Store, iTunes e App Store, Irlanda.
Marla Andrade
Professora licenciada pela Universidade de Aveiro em Inglês e Alemão (via ensino). Pós-graduação em Português Língua Não Materna pela Universidade Aberta. Professora em Timor-Leste, na Suíça e em vários estados federados da Alemanha.
Teresa Barreiros
Professora licenciada pela Universidade Católica Portuguesa, Centro Regional das Beiras, em Inglês e Alemão, Ramo de Formação Educacional. Pós-graduação em Português Língua Não Materna pela Universidade Aberta. Professora em Portugal, Suíça e em diferentes estados federados da Alemanha.
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