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A propósito das comemorações dos seus 85 anos, a Maternidade compila nesta obra a atualização dos seus protocolos de atuação clínica em Obstetrícia e Ginecologia
Integra as mais recentes alterações ao Código do Trabalho e aos fundos FCT/FGCT, bem como aquelas que se referem à Agenda do Trabalho Digno. Aborda as principais novidades fiscais.
Book that aims the structured work of grammatical aspects, with a clear presentation of grammatical rules and diversified exercises presented in a progressive way.
Lidel`s new collection dedicated to extensive reading, from A1 to B1. The A2 level includes two books: Histórias do Mundo A2 - Livro com Áudio and Histórias do Mundo A2 - As Viagens de Sindbad.
Lidel`s new collection dedicated to extensive reading, from A1 to B1. The A2 level includes two books: Histórias do Mundo A2 - Livro com Áudio and Histórias do Mundo A2 - As Viagens de Sindbad.
eBook with similar features to a PDF, for reading on the Bookshelf app.Get to know all the features of our eBooks in the "Frequently asked questions" section, available on our website (see footer).Same method, future values! 10 years of success for a fast, effective and confident communication. Updated for the contemporary world: more representativeness, good conduct, new celebrities.
Same method, future values! 10 years of success for a fast, effective and confident communication. Updated for the contemporary world: more representativeness, good conduct, new celebrities.
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LIDEL – Edições Técnicas, Lda. – Rua D. Estefânia, 183, R/c Dto. – 1049-057 Lisboa – Portugal