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European Portuguese as a Foreign Language
Na Onda do Português is a task-based course designed for young learners of Portuguese. It is a four level Portuguese course according to the Common European Framework of Reference.
Promotion - Immediate discount
€ 8,13 € 6,50
Several stories to read in Portuguese and learn pleasantly. Divided into 3 levels. In the end of each book the learner will find a list of the most complex words, meanings, exercises and solutions.
Promotion - Immediate discount
€ 8,50 € 6,80
Several stories to read in Portuguese and learn pleasantly. Divided into 3 levels. In the end of each book the learner will find a list of the most complex words, meanings, exercises and solutions.
Promotion - Immediate discount
€ 8,50 € 6,80
Several stories to read in Portuguese. To learn Portuguese pleasantly. Divided into 3 levels. In the end of each book the learner will find a list of the most complex words and their meanings.
Promotion - Immediate discount
€ 8,80 € 7,04
Com nova apresentação, Na Crista da Onda - Manual do aluno e Caderno de exercícios - é um método em 4 níveis, para jovens, com abordagem comunicativa por competências e tarefas, e para o ensino de PLE.
Promotion - Immediate discount
€ 8,80 € 7,04
Com nova apresentação, Na Crista da Onda - Manual do aluno e Caderno de exercícios - é um método em 4 níveis, para jovens, com abordagem comunicativa por competências e tarefas, e para o ensino de PLE.
Promotion - Immediate discount
€ 8,80 € 7,04
The Salpicos collection is designed to develop an interest in Portuguese as a non-native language, and in Portugal and Portuguese culture in non-reading and reading children.
Promotion - Immediate discount
€ 8,90 € 7,12
The Salpicos collection is designed to develop an interest in Portuguese as a non-native language, and in Portugal and Portuguese culture in non-reading and reading children.
Promotion - Immediate discount
€ 8,90 € 7,12

The discounts, promotions and campaigns are valid for 02-06-2024, unless otherwise informed. Move your cursor over the discount icon to see the price reduction modality. The listed prices include Portuguese VAT.

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LIDEL – Edições Técnicas, Lda. – Rua D. Estefânia, 183, R/c Dto. – 1049-057 Lisboa – Portugal